Ancient History of The Middle East, Mesopotamië, & Elam. Tower of Babel

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The Ancient Middle East

The ancient Middle East gave rise to some of the greatest empires in human history, including Mesopotamia, Babylonia, the Persian Empire and the Byzantine Empire.
This article covers: Sumer, Byzantine Empire, Babylonia, Silk Road - Facts, History & Location, Code of Hammurabi, Mesopotamia, Persian Empire,
Masada, Sunset at Palmyra, Palmyra, & Petra. Read more... »


Top 11 Inventions and Discoveries of Mesopotamia

The Sumerians developed the first form of writing called “cuneiform” to maintain business records. It was mostly used in trade, where merchants recorded information such as the amount of grain traded. The Mesopotamians also used writing to record daily events like astronomy.
Cuneiform evolved as a simple pictograph. For instance, the pictograph for a horse might be a small image of a horse. The writer had to drag the tip of a stylus across wet clay to create a shape. It was hard to remember every character and it would take 12 years for a person to learn to write in cuneiform. Read more... »


Tower of Babel (Part 5) Archaeological Evidence

In explaining the content of an inscription known as “Cuneiform Royal Inscriptions and Related Texts in the Schøyen Collection,” Owen Jarus comments, “In the inscription, Nebuchadnezzar talks about how he got people from all over the world to build the Marduk tower and a second ziggurat at Borsippa.”1) This is the oldest known image of a ziggurat, with the full text stating: Read more... »


OUR ORIGINS EXPLAINED BY GOD--What Was the First Language?

What Was the First Language?
Why Did God Confuse it?
Join students from OVER 90 countries that attend our online classes.
Here's the opening live Q&A session that launched our online video training. Almost a million people have sat in on this Bible teaching session. See the video... »



Elam was a region in the Near East corresponding to the modern-day provinces of Ilam and Khuzestan in southern Iran (though it also included part of modern-day southern Iraq) whose civilization spanned thousands of years from c. 3200 - c. 539 BCE.
The name comes from the Akkadian and Sumerian for “highlands” or “high country” while the Elamites referred to their land as Haltami (or Haltamti) which seems to have had the same meaning. Read more... »   The prophesy of Elam  Read more... »


The History of Israël

The history of Israël is one of persecution, struggle, oppression and survival. Long before Jacob became Israël, since the ancient beginnings of Genesis, the Jews, and later their tiny nation, has been in a constant state of survival. From the moment of Abraham's arrival in the land of Canaan,
God's people have been surrounded by enemies on all sides. Read more... »