Master Python: Your Ultimate Guide to Installation, Tutorials, GUI Development, and IDE Selection

Installing Python Image Learn Python with Mosh Image

Installing Python.

Click on the image Installing Python, on the left. will guide you through the installation on Windows/iOS/Linux.
To check your installation, be familiar with the command line for Windows and MacOS/Linux.

To enter the command line for Windows: Windows key + R or go to the Command Prompt on the Start Menu.

To enter the command line for MacOS: Open via Spotlight search (command + spacebar) and type in Terminal.

How to Create an Executable from Source.

Find the source, e.g., within Codepen: here.
Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you saved the file. Example:
cd path\to\your\file

PyInstaller Example:

Install PyInstaller via pip:
pip install pyinstaller
Replace path\to\your\file with the actual path where your file is located.
Run the Python Script:
Type the following command to execute the script: